Моды на физику ложения предметов 1.7 10. ItemPhysic Full Mod — реалистичная физика в Minecraft

ItemPhysic Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 will add a number of new items to the game, not only that it still also updates some of the existing items to become much more realistic. This mod gives you two options to start from, a Full or Lite version.

Do you want more realism in your game? You might realize that it wont look real because of the blocky nature, but what if blocks had weight and gravity? If you think that will be a cool addition, then this is the mod for you.


  • Floating items.
  • Only burnable items burn in lava/fire.
  • Custom pickup.
  • Custom throw.
  • Igniting items.
  • Configurable despawn time.
  • Cactus does not destroy items.
  • Enhanced item animation.
  • Supports InGameConfigManager.

ItemPhysic Mod Full:

This mod changes how items ‘burn’. Only items or block which can burn will burn in lava or fire. Every block which can burn like wood, planks, wool… and every item which can be used as a fuel in a furnace like coal, stick…

A piece of coal, a pickaxe, a piece of cobblestone and a wooden plank were throw into lava and the pickaxe and the cobblestone didn’t burn.

Items and blocks will rotate around there axis while their are flying. No item will be destroyed by a cactus anymore.

ItemPhysic Mod Lite:

Items and blocks will rotate around there axis while their are flying.



How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and .
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

ItemPhysic Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 Download Links:

For Minecraft 1.7.2

For Minecraft 1.7.10

For Minecraft 1.8.0

For Minecraft 1.8.9

Improve Minecraft’s in-game physics starting with how the items behave with this amazing mod – Item Physic Full 1.13/1.12.2 . This amazing mod changes how the items outside your inventory behave by applying physics and other properties to them.

What the Mod Offers

The mod changes how items behave including how they react to certain environments like water, lava, and cactus.

Enhanced Item Animation

With the mod installed, items thrown on the ground will no longer float and rotate unrealistically and instead fall flat or roll over the ground like they should!

Water Physics and Floating Items

Certain items in real life float, while others sink on water.

Flammable Items Burn in Lava

Similar to the above feature, items that are considered flammable (i.e. wood, food, etc.) will burn and vanish when dropped on lava or set on fire.

Custom Pickup and Custom Throw

The mod also allows the user to change how items can be picked up and thrown away.

Igniting Items

Some items can be thrown on the ground to ignite a fire – so be extra careful about where you drop your torches!

Item Physic Full Mod 1.13/1.12.2 Installation

The mod requires two mods: and . To properly install the ItemPhysic Full mod, follow the simple steps below.

  1. Download and Install the latest version of Minecraft Forge and launch Minecraft with Forge at least once to generate the necessary folders.
  2. Download the prerequisite mod CreativeCore.
  3. Download the ItemPhysic Full mod using the link below.
  4. Copy the two mods (CreativeCore and ItemPhysic) and head to the Minecraft directory
  5. Paste the two mods inside the mods folder located in the Minecraft directory
  6. Play Minecraft with Forge mod
  7. Have fun!

Should You Install It?

The mod makes Minecraft more realistic without breaking the lore and feel of the vanilla the game. We highly recommend installing this mod to improve your gameplay in Survival and even in Creative.

Реалистичность игрового мира зависит не только от обстановки и качества графики. Мод ItemPhysic Full создает реалистичную физику предметов, которая проявляется при падении на разные поверхности, ударе и взаимодействии с объектами. Теперь особо тяжёлые блоки утонут в водоёмах, а лёгкие - всплывут. Дерево сгорит в огне, а множество выброшенных вещей образуют кучу. Оружие, броня и еда разместится на полках и столах. Подобный функционал появился благодаря объёмным 3D-моделям. Необходимость постройки километровых складов с сундуками отпала. Размещайте скарб в удобных местах! Мод на физику ItemPhysic Full можно скачать для Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.8.x, 1.9, 1.10.2, 1.11.2 и 1.12.x. Рекомендуем оценить его работу в видео.



  • Несгораемые предметы после попадания в лаву могут быть сохранены.
  • Рикошет при броске в стену или с высоты.
  • Модифицированная система возрождения предметов (время исчезновения).
  • Совместимость с пакетами текстур и другими модификациями.

Видео обзор ItemPhysic Full